Many pastors are using this very practical tool to explain two things to new and prospective church members: (1) what they have a right to expect of the church as church members, and (2) what the church has a right o expect of them as members.
The definition of a New Testament church, its doctrine and discipline and the duties incumbent on its members are put in focus in this small book. This “tool” was designed to establish up-front clarity, and eliminate after-the-fact confusion, professed or real, as to what is involved with membership in a New Testament Baptist Church. Helpful fill-in-the-blank sections are included.
"that we may know Him that is true..." - 1 John 5:20 is dedicated to the knowing and sharing of truth and providing readers with springboards for their own thought on a variety of subjects. As much as we possibly can, we want to avoid speculation and the pushing of personal preferences. And, as much as we can we want to apply ourselves to the speaking of the truth in love however passionate the “tone” may seem at times.
Andrei Sakharov, the father of the Soviet Hydrogen bomb who once said that the bomb was the most powerful weapon on earth, later said that he’d changed his mind about this, believing instead that, “The most powerful weapon in the world is the truth.” Two millennia before this, Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). Real truth has the power to free people from the bondage and misery that sin. It is the only lethal weapon against lies. This truth, is that which is found in the Word of God — truth that addresses every issue exactly and explains the reason for, and the answer, to every problem.
Edward Everett Hale famously said, “I am only on, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because iI cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.” This is my sentiment exactly and the reason for this web site. I hope you will partner-up with me in this by recommending and sharing this site with your friends