Americans understandably want to deny that they are recognized globally as having one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The Biden administration, aided by a legacy media-turned propaganda machine has done everything it could to keep people's heads in the sand about this, while demonstrating how corrupt and tyrannical government can become, and what Thomas Paine was talking about when he said, "Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one."
Our Founding Fathers viewed an oversized, out of control, federal government as the greatest threat to individual freedom that Americans could ever be faced with, and did everything in their power to limit government as much as possible. Multiple quotations from the Founders could be cited here (or found online) to verify this. We have paid a price for ignoring the counsel of Thomas Jefferson who warned: "The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
Civil government is ordained by God (Rom. 13:1, 2). But not government such as ours has become; a government that has been like a crazed and vicious rabid animal on the loose; government by a coterie of really demonically-influenced people where the insanity of sin represented by woke ideology became pandemic throughout society. When people choose to dismiss the God of the Bible, they do not become godless; other gods, in terms of unclean spirits, lying spirits, murdering spirits, etc., will fill the void that has been created (Matt. 12:43, 45; Eph. 6:12).
Our government, for the most part and increasingly, has been run for over half a century by the equivalent of a mob of gangsters playing the role of elected officials and bureaucrats. Gangsters with bosses and underbosses; gangsters with the Justice System and the Press in their pockets, all trying to get a bigger “piece of the action” in Washington DC, having no qualms about strong-arming the American taxpayer or breaking or stretching any law necessary to keep themselves on the take and in power; a bunch of scammers and schemers who have learned how to game the system that the rest of us depend upon for the sake of our lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
People need to acknowledge without apology that our government has been administered by a cast of “bad actors” who've presented whatever drama necessary to keep the audience’s attention where they've wanted it kept. These bad actors have played whatever starring or supporting roles they've had to, in order to keep the show going on for their constituents and the money coming in for themselves. But there are signs that, with the advent of the Trump administration, the show may be over, and the curtains drawn on rogue and rotten government in America.
There are signs that Americans are waking up to just how nightmarish government can become. Perhaps and probably God has given America an undeserved bit of "space" for our ship of state to be rescued and righted under the new administration. But none of this will be effectual unless the old ship of Zion, represented by New Testament Churches, is revived and righted (1 Pet. 4:17).