It seems like the party is over, the Democratic Party of America that is; something that has been a been a cancer metastasizing in America almost since its origination; something that has caused a foul stench across this nation and left nothing but a series of ever-darker stains upon our history. It is no longer accurate to even call it the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party label and all its machinery was highjacked decades ago as a cover and a front. What it really is, based upon its political platform and the affiliation of those who now control it is the Communist Party of America. In the interest of full disclosure should change its name and "own" the name of The Communist Party of America. This is not an exercise in hyperbole. It is a dispassionant and reasonable statement of pure, unadulterated fact.
The CPA (aka Democratic Party) has, in years past, before and during the Johnson, Carter and Clinton administrations aimed at the overthrow of America. Marxist trained, President Obama was so confident of this happening that he audaciously promised the “fundamental transformation of America," and set the stage for a communist takeover of our nation under the Biden administration. With the special collusion of the media and a corrupted Department of Justice, America was brought to the very verge of being overthrown by a home grown, and overgrown, enemy within.
But now, the Party (The CPA, aka Democratic Party) may be over. I mean really over—as in being as tossed out and forgotten about as last week’s garbage. People should want as much distance between it and them as they would want between themselves and a pack of angry skunks. The Democratic Party should be as tolerated by the public as a nest of rattlesnakes in a nursery would be tolerated by a parent.
Democrats are raging lunatic-like now, vowing to fight against the current administrations efforts to (1) rid the country of thousands of murders, rapists, thieves and terrorists who would ruin America, (2). reduce the national debt that will ruin America, (3) reveal the criminality in government that is ruining America and (4) restore government of the people and for the people back to Americans before our nation is ruined by criminal, evil and vicious, parasitic and poisonous elected officials and bureaucrats, represented not entirely, but almost exclusively, by the Democratic Party.
Democratic Party leadership and its true believers are now, as never before, publicly tipping their hand, showing their true colors and demonstrating how truly evil they are. I hope people are paying attention. I hope people will see what history has and will prove: that the Democratic Party has been, and is at its core — unAmerican and antiChrist and our "enemy within." Hopefully, the party is over in terms of power and influence; for the Democrats and all those who have in any way, however ignorantly or intentionally, aided and abetted them.