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The post following this one was written by a minister of the Gospel and addresses the upcoming presidential election. This is actually something that was once common, expected and appreciated by the American public. It was recognized by ministers as part of their duty to be foremost in providing leadership for the Christian stewardship of this nation; a nation believed to be a gift of God that would continue to exist only by the grace of God. All this was before ill-informed and ill motivated people and even pastors and church members began denouncing and demonizing preachers and churches for having anything to do with “politics.” All this was before anti-Christian, low-life people in high places in government and our other institutions began de-Christianizing and dumbing down the past two or three generations; before perhaps around half our population, “professing themselves to be wise, became fools” (Rom. 1:22).




Kamala Harris is, by definition and self-description, an out-and-out Marxist-communist. True to communist form, she has, throughout her career, demonstrated her willingness to tell any lie necessary, and to be as ruthless and unjust as necessary, to gain and retain political power, and advance her own personal interests which include the advancement of the communist ideology (idiot-ology) and agenda for America. Her gross immorality and anti-Christian position is no secret. She has made no secret of her belief in collectivization, the “redistribution” of wealth or of her opposition to free speech, personal property rights, gun ownership and the traditional family, etc.


Kamala Harris believes in the totalitarian state and that America should be, in the words of Barach Obama, “fundamentally transformed” into a communistic totalitarian state. Those who vote for Kamala Harris will make her dream and his dream a nightmare out of which the American people may never awaken. Those who don’t get out and actually vote against her, will however unconsciously, be casting a vote for her and the future that her behind-the-scenes Marxist-elitist handlers have in mind for us and our children.


Professed Christians, in recent decades, though recognized as the election-deciding voter bloc in the country, have also proven to be the least likely people to vote in presidential elections. According to multiple polls, 49% of them don’t vote. Just as much of professed Christianity today refuses to be “salt and light” in society, they also betray both God and their country by not exercising responsible stewardship of this God-given nation by way of casting their ballots on election day. Vote early if you can.



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