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According to a report in the New York Times 50 Democrat leaders claim to be "leaderless, rudderless, and divided" with "no coherent message." Those who love their country freedom, and who care what the future holds for their children, should hope and pray with all their might that this is true. But it isn’t true. Truth telling has always been unfamiliar territory and “inconvenient” for democrats.  


As far as being “leaderless,” as I’ve already written, this is false, because the devil is still alive and well on planet earth. And the claim that Democrats have “no coherent message” is also false. What they really mean is that they haven’t figured out what  lies they need to tell in order to get and keep power to carry on with their evil.


I use the word “evil” because it is the most honest and accurate word available to describe what the democratic party is all about. i. e. the murder of millions of unborn babies, irreversible sexual mutation of children, the propagation of filthy, vile perversion and a hundred and more other things. The “D” behind a politicians name should be associated with defilement, depravity, degradation, deceitfulness, destruction and death.  Add to this disloyalty.


The Democrat Party most definitely does have a  “coherent message.” They’re shouting it from the housetops now, and in the process revealing more about themselves than they probably realize. They are revealing as never before, that they are treasonous, dangerous people for whom the very words “make America Great” are a threat. They want Americans to be as incapacitated, imperiled, indebted, impoverished, ignorant, intimidated, and ashamed of themselves as possible. There’s a word for all this. The word is “treasonous.” Look this word up. It is being defined by what Democrat leaders are doing and by what they are saying that they will do if they’re allowed to do it.



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