America’s third President, Thomas Jefferson said, "It is] by their votes the people exercise their sovereignty.” He went on to say, “Should things go wrong at any time, the people will set them to rights by the peaceable exercise of their elective rights.” Jefferson was right on both counts.
By the exercise of our “sovereignty” Jefferson was referring to the connection there is between each American casting their vote and our remaining a free people. And, when “things go wrong,” the biggest opportunity we have to “set them to rights” is by casting our vote. Unfortunately, more Americans understood this in the past than understand it nown the Jefferson was right on both counts
Individual freedom has never been more in jeopardy than it is now. This is true because there has never been a time in our history when things have gone more “wrong” than they are now. Every American needs to get out and vote in this presidential election to either (1) vote for a continuing flood of illegal immigrants across our border, a burgeoning, bankrupting, backbreaking economy, more war involvement, a woke dominated society, an anti-Christian government and the acceleration of the taxpayer funded infanticidal holocaust called “abortion” — all of which that has been demonstrated over the last nearly four years, or (2) vote against all this.
I doubt that during tthe next few day and beyond those who voted in this election will regret voting. I strongly suspect that multiplied thousands who chose not to vote will regret their choice. Before the polls close today, every American, and Christians most especially, who up till now, haven’t voted need to make sure that they VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.